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3 ways a Public Speaking Trainer can help you build confidence

In this article, I will share 3 ways a Public Speaking Trainer can help you build your set of Communication Skills and start showing up with clear messages to your audience.

More importantly, today I will be helping you to make a solid decision about whether you want to:

Start delivering inspiring and memorable presentations and get the recognition and credibility you deserve.


Continue struggling with the tech-heavy presentations and boring your audience to death by reading monotonously. Hoping nobody will ask you any further questions.

Are you ready to stand out as a Tech Lead who’s got their communication skills “updated and tested” and act as an inspiration for the rest of the team?

Public Speaking is NOT for everyone. 

I know of so many people who want to improve their communication skills and want to really get the visibility that they deserve in their professional life. Often they never get anywhere because they did either:

  1. Not dig deep enough to truly understand why their communications skills can make such a difference
  2. Understand the cost of not improving their communication skill

After talking to dozens of my most successful customers, I have distilled the 3 main reasons why working with a Public Speaking and Communication Trainer you will be able to learn what you need and save time. 

Here are the top 3 reasons

Why hire a Public Speaking Trainer to help you deliver a clear message?

  1. Communication is a long-term process. It can’t be fixed overnight.

With a trainer, your progress will be steady due to the weekly sessions. This means that every week you make sure that you will be working on your skills. You will save a lot of time and evolve quicker than alone as you have your trainer pushing and motivating you. Alone it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and not know where to start or what to work on next. The most common reason is not leaving time to practice and focusing the energy on unnecessary visuals and graphs. This means that un-rehearsed ideas are half-presented, half-read.

2. Serious preparation leads to serious practice which leads to increased confidence.

A Public Speaking trainer will guide you step by step before and after your presentation. You have the opportunity to adapt the presentation to your style which allows you to feel comfortable with your material. The most important thing is that you are in a safe space to practice and make mistakes with zero consequences. Not practising is NOT an option. Your input is directly related to the expected results.

Have you seen the online course that can help you prepare from A to Z? Unlock Your Potential: Public Speaking? Sign up here.

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

– Benjamin Franklin

3. Getting immediate feedback means immediate improvements in your presentation.

If you go out and present without having received feedback on your practice rounds. It’s like delivering a feature without testing it. Imagine working with a trainer is like practising Test-Driven-Development. A professional’s feedback right on the spot (or before and after the presentation) can help you deliver a clear message. This then can help you strive and get noticed. This could mean a promotion, an investment or a new project for you.

So now, let’s focus on YOU now ????

Why do you want to improve your Public Speaking Skills?

Let us not talk about superficial reasons. I want you to dig deep to truly figure out why you want to take your communication skills to the next level.

What are you missing out on at the moment?

You may realize at the end of the day that Public Speaking isn’t for you, and that’s okay. But if you realize that it is, I’m here to walk this journey with you!

If you are ready to take your presentation skills to the next level, book your discovery call here and let’s talk more!


Anne Pirkkanen

Founder of Version 2 of ME Communication

More information about me here.

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