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Hi, I’m Anne Pirkkanen

A passionate Public Speaking Coach & Communication Specialist working with Professionals across the globe.

Are you getting ready for your next presentation, and do you need a speaker coach to help you with your presentation skills?


Effective Communication in presentations is essential for project success

As someone with a background in International Business and a deep understanding of linguistic and cultural barriers, I specialize in helping professionals like you create impactful presentations that effectively communicate technical information to all audiences. It all comes down to your presentation skills when speaking in public.

Public Speaking Communication

7 benefits of becoming a memorable speaker

Getting up on stage to present your ideas can be scary. Public Speaking moves a lot of emotions.


A presentation can come in many shapes, forms and places. This can be in anything from an internal meeting to an international conference. The one thing in common is that you need to organise your ideas to present them to and audience.

It’s easy to NOT show up as your best version because you are nervous, because you haven’t practised your lines or because English is not your mother tongue. The struggle is real, and that’s where a Presentation Skills Trainer comes into the picture to help you. 



When you are able to communicate your ideas in ways that people can not only understand, but also resonate with, you will see massive improvements in:

Have you worked with a coach to improve your communication skills?

Fearless communication

“Being able to deliver a direct and honest message authentically without second-guessing or feeling small.”

This is much more than just building your rational presentation, it’s teaching you to build and deliver compelling messages.

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
– George Bernard Shaw

Get to know Anne

Communication & public speaking training & coaching for International professionals

Sell your idea in a memorable story

Speaking at a conference

Talking about numbers & Graphs

Simplifying highly technical matters

Presentation skills for non-native English Speakers

Feeling Comfortable with Audience Q&A

Personal Branding & Elevator Pitch

Presenting your project in a Job Interview

Manging your emotions & Energy during your presentation

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